Universal Love


Through this potent Light Language and Energy Healing Transmission, Receive a download of the Divinity of Universal Love + Sha’Woman song tones to guide you within, to the Love that supports your DNA and every cell.


This Transmission begins with toning layers of deep Earthy enriched tones of my Sha’Woman Song. After a few minutes, it evolves into sonic tones of layers of dIAMond Light Language, and specific encoded words and frequencies to support you to reconnect to Universal Love.

This Transmission is 19.49 minutes in duration.

Intuitively channelled for you, to Receive a resonance of deep Love within your cells and your Soul. To support you gently, tenderly, and Kapowerfully – guiding you to release and reconnect with the essence of Divine Source.

Love is felt through the eyes and essence of our own ability to be Self-Compassionate. Not just when life is feeling great or perfect, or on track. In the muddiest and most confusing or challenging times too.

Where there is No Mud – there is said to be No Lotus.

Like all of my Transmissions – they are divinely channelled, holding the sacredness of Light and my Star Team, as I bring through the encoded frequency, messages and Ancient Wisdom.