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Welcome Human dIAMond ™
‘You are Special and Unique, and You Make a Difference to the World, just by BEing in it.’
As you reflect on these words, what do you sense?
You have been guided to this page for your unique Quest. You have navigated a lot so far, and you haven’t come THIS FAR to only come this far. With a graceful humanitarian heart, you know you are here to ripple your unique difference in the world during your lifetime.
To more fully express the Sonata of your Universal Light ™.
To walk and talk, live and breathe what truthfully makes your Heart and Soul sing, and dance.
Earth Dancer, you are evolving and expanding each day of your Cosmic Soul walk. You may be experiencing health, emotional, personal or a business challenge, and you know you are not broken, you are both a work in progress, and glorious masterpiece in each NOW moment. You are tuned into the Universe and its evolutionary changes, as you continue to evolve.
trust me, I know how it feels
I know how it feels to be in crippling and, or ongoing physical pain, afraid, overwhelmed, energetically and emotionally sensitive in all of my Human’ness, as I too walk, a Big Awakening Journey this lifetime. I have navigated through chapters of being dimmed, shamed, oppressed, with my Soul expression, my Sacred Heart and Voice, and my volume of Light turned down.
Crippled to Cosmic, as I often say to my divine clients.
I know that as I have released and healed layers of my BodyMind and Soul records and traumas, understood Maternal and Paternal ancestral lineage influences, and supported the upgrading of my new nervous system, that I am switching on my DNA strands that have been switched off.
As I am freeing up My Light Chalice, and my Kundalini is Flowing with more Grace, I am more able to fully Reclaim + ACCESS my True Soul Power, and I am Coming Home.
I am embodying more of my Crystalline Multi-dimensional Self. I am Recalibrating as I Remember.
I am a Rainbow Warrior, Pioneer, Wayshower and Light.
I am an Activator and ILLuminator, assisting others to discover what is locked, shamed and tamed, hidden, unexpressed, unactivated and Ready to be explored.
I have gifted mySelf Permission to be All that I Am – in each NOW moment.
Living as if it is my last year on this Earth !
So dIAMond Heart, if you are challenged, unWELL, or wobbled by your LightBody upgrades, please know that YOU are not alone. My Starry Team and I are here to assist and help you to embrace and honour this process, and for you to SEE your True Magnificence, before you were conditioned, and implanted to believe that you were anything other than this.
Just like Me, your OLD Software is decoding for a profound RECODING !
A Returning to a True State of Grace.
Just as the Collective Humanity is also Shifting.
You are an integral part of the THRIVING TEAM.
And BEing supported is a way of Receiving Love.
So WILL YOU gift yourSelf permission too?
trust me, I know how it feels
Crippled to Cosmic, as I often say to my divine clients.
I know that as I have released and healed layers of my BodyMind and Soul records and traumas, understood Maternal and Paternal ancestral lineage influences, and supported the upgrading of my new nervous system, that I am switching on my DNA strands that have been switched off.
As I am freeing up My Light Chalice, and my Kundalini is Flowing with more Grace, I am more able to fully Reclaim + ACCESS my True Soul Power, and I am Coming Home.
I am embodying more of my Crystalline Multi-dimensional Self. I am Recalibrating as I Remember.
I am a Rainbow Warrior, Pioneer, Wayshower and Light.
I am an Activator and ILLuminator, assisting others to discover what is locked, shamed and tamed, hidden, unexpressed, unactivated and Ready to be explored.
I have gifted mySelf Permission to be All that I Am – in each NOW moment.
Living as if it is my last year on this Earth !
So dIAMond Heart, if you are challenged, unWELL, or wobbled by your LightBody upgrades, please know that YOU are not alone. My Starry Team and I are here to assist and help you to embrace and honour this process, and for you to SEE your True Magnificence, before you were conditioned, and implanted to believe that you were anything other than this.
Just like Me, your OLD Software is decoding for a profound RECODING !
A Returning to a True State of Grace.
Just as the Collective Humanity is also Shifting.
You are an integral part of the THRIVING TEAM.
And BEing supported is a way of Receiving Love.
So WILL YOU gift yourSelf permission too?

Imagine being more connected to the truth of your heart, accepting and trusting of your unique Souls Journey.
Happier and healthier, more self-compassionate and empowered to be You, comfy in your own Soul’s skin, flawsome and free to express all that you are.
You want someone that has walked the path before you, with you, and to be a Guide and a Light, to support you as you surrender old wounds, cellular memories, beliefs, unresolved energy patterns, dis-ease and dis-harmony, as you heal and transform from the old you, to the true you.
You are truly ready to embody more of your Light and see the Truth of your Magnificence. Start shining your Light as a Human dIAMond, and express your unique Sonata of your Universal Light ™ in all that you BE.

I could feel my body physically experiencing her work in a way that I hadn’t felt with other healers…
There is a real sense that Vanessa is walking beside you on the journey as she offers healing, sharing and respect for your being, no matter where you are on your path. I always feel ‘held’ by her—completely safe in her hands. I truly feel that Vanessa is a gift to our planet, and that anyone who has the experience of working with her will be ever-changed by knowing her, and witnessing her special brand of magic. The first session I had was a ‘distance’ healing and I could feel my body physically experiencing her work in a way that I hadn’t felt with other healers who were right there in the room with me. She always goes way beyond the call. I have continued working with her and she has been able to offer support to my digestive system, plus many other subtle and deeper shifts. If I am called to ask for healing or intuitive support, Vanessa is my choice.
Lisa Foley — Holistic Counsellor, Group Facilitator, Artist
I could feel my body physically experiencing her work in a way that I hadn’t felt with other healers…
There is a real sense that Vanessa is walking beside you on the journey as she offers healing, sharing and respect for your being, no matter where you are on your path. I always feel ‘held’ by her—completely safe in her hands. I truly feel that Vanessa is a gift to our planet, and that anyone who has the experience of working with her will be ever-changed by knowing her, and witnessing her special brand of magic. The first session I had was a ‘distance’ healing and I could feel my body physically experiencing her work in a way that I hadn’t felt with other healers who were right there in the room with me. She always goes way beyond the call. I have continued working with her and she has been able to offer support to my digestive system, plus many other subtle and deeper shifts. If I am called to ask for healing or intuitive support, Vanessa is my choice.
Lisa Foley — Holistic Counsellor, Group Facilitator, Artist

Connect with me in the comfort of your own home or office. All services are available to you remotely.

As a Multi-faceted Soul Healer, Light Language Channel and Medical Intuitive, I offer you a depth of personal wisdom, a vast toolbox, and over 22 years experience.

A cosmic-loving blend of nurturing, compassion and empowerment, as you heal, transform and embody your Light,and express your Truth.

I offer you Whole Health and Soul Self-Care, as YOU are a dynamic Multi-Faceted BEing.

High frequency tools to support your path. Art, Crystals, Channellings, Light Language Healing Activations, Meditations and more.

Personalised support and a CommUNITY Soul Sistarhood. Feel connected, safe, free, loved and Light-er.
Frequency Healing + Visionary ART Gallery – Coming Soon
Until then – check out my IG and FB pages to see Available Art pieces, or my MIP’s – Masterpieces in progress !

I offer Monthly Group Remote Healing Sessions - announced via private email.
+ Sacredness Retreats in Brisbane
A Sacred Soul Sistarhood to Release, Receive, Recalibrate, Heal, Expand, Evolve + Connect

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